Plant a Native Mixed Hedge


Plant a 3-meter native mixed hedge – for those wild at heart

Hedges are one of the most important habitats for our ecosystems, yet we have lost 50-60% since the 1940’s they are critical for insects, hedgehogs, and birds’ life as they not only provide shelter but are an important bio-diverse food source and like trees, they help clean the pollutants, absorb carbon and make our environment oxygen-rich.

Giving a gift of a native hedgerow is a wonderful present to celebrate any occasion and it’s the perfect connection for those who are wild at heart.

The native hedging has been designed to be wildlife friendly offering plenty of natural habitats and food, it will include wild cherry, dog rose, blackthorn, hawthorn, gelder rose, holly, ash, crab apple, and elderflower.

* Please note that all trees and hedging are bare-rooted and will be planted between November and March. Orders placed out with those months a tree stake and name label will mark the spot before your tree or hedge is planted.


What’s included;

8 trees per metre

A Call of the Wild Certificate * personalised to your specification, with a “what 3 word” exact location code.

A dedicated name tag.

* Please allow at least 5 days notice for certificate to be emailed

** For overseas customers please contact on with your desired purchase. We will invoice you, allowing you to complete your purchase.

We can print, package and post this certificate out to you, otherwise we will email you a copy.

Add postage(£7.95)